Monday, January 7, 2019

January 8, 2019

Please comment on 2 of the following questions...

1) What are some of your character traits? What do you think is your strongest character trait?  Please use the chart below for ideas!

2) How do you know when a secret shouldn't be kept?

3) What makes someone a good listener?  In what ways to do you fit this description?  In what other ways could you use some improvement?  Be honest!

Friday, April 6, 2018

April 6, 2018

Please comment on 2 of the following questions...

1) Why is being an effective communicator so important in being a leader?  What are some of the challenges?

2) When you invade someone's personal space, what non-verbal cues does the person give that tell you that you are too close?

3) Think of three ideas on how to deal with a person who is angry.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

February 15, 2018

1) When a leader has made a mistake, what should she or he do to fix the situation? Share an example of how you dealt with a mistake.  What was the outcome?  How could the outcome have been different if you had responded differently?

2) While taking a test, you notice one of your classmates cheating.  How do you handle this?

3) Describe what it means to be a GOOD CITIZEN.  Are you a good citizen?  How?

Thursday, March 16, 2017

March 16, 2017

Please comment on 2 of the following questions...

1) Name a time you had a problem that needed solving.  Describe the steps you needed to take to solve the problem.  Were you happy with the outcome or did you have to compromise?

2) What hobby do you love doing that makes you feel happiest?

3) If you could make one rule that everyone in the world had to follow, what rule would you make? Why?

Thursday, January 12, 2017

January 12, 2017

Please comment on 2 of the following questions...

1) When a leader has made a mistake, what should she or he do to fix the situation? Share an example of how you dealt with a mistake.  What was the outcome?  How could the outcome have been different if you had responded differently?

2) While taking a test, you notice one of your classmates cheating.  How do you handle this?

3) Describe what it means to be a GOOD CITIZEN.  Are you a good citizen?  How?

Sunday, March 6, 2016

March 7, 2016

Please comment on 2 of the following questions...

1) Name a time you had a problem that needed solving.  Describe the steps you needed to take to solve the problem.  Were you happy with the outcome or did you have to compromise?

2) What hobby do you love doing that makes you feel happiest?

3) If you could make one rule that everyone in the world had to follow, what rule would you make? Why?

Monday, January 4, 2016

February 17, 2016

Please comment on 2 of the following questions...

1) If you could spend the day with the President of the United States, what would you want to talk about?  What are some questions you might ask?  

2) Is it easy or difficult for you to admit when you need help from others?  Give an example of a time when you needed help but hesitated to ask for it.  What happened?

3) In what ways do you think technology can improve the effectiveness of leaders, and in what ways do you think it might hinder their ability to lead?